After I had so much fun coming up with Vegas save the date postcard designs, I couldn’t help but make some invitations! Here are a selection of highly customizable wedding invites for Las Vegas weddings from the super fun stationery site, Minted.
What I like about their invitations is that they are not super over the top – they look a little handmade, a little original and they’re a lot unexpected for a Vegas wedding!
Vegas Type highlights a trend in wedding invitations – mixed font sizes – with playing card suits.
The 1950s style Lucky in Love captures the vintage era of Rat Pack days with the starburst details and fancy fonts.
Bet on Love has peppy colors, trendy icons and a gorgeous details shape – if you don’t like the curved edges, it’s available in straight cuts, too.
Want a dash of gambling but also like to keep it simple? Hearts + Spades may be the invitation style for you.
Having an outdoor wedding at the Springs Preserve or in the desert? Sunday Succulent uses pale hues mixed with the harder edges of arid succulents on its natural design.
Bonjour Paris – perfect for Paris, France, or Paris Las Vegas Resort weddings! (Thinking outside of the box, here)
Goin’ to the Chapel would be absolutely lovely to highlight your little Vegas Strip chapel wedding.
So there you have it! Seven no-so-Vegas Las Vegas wedding invitations!

This post is brought to you by Minted.